Monday, April 18, 2011

Sorry It's Been Awhile

I've have neglected my blogger duties for awhile. But I'm back and catching up. This installment won't have any Corita Kent don't fret there still is more of her to come, but I'm going to talk a moment about what has been happening locally in music and art for me. So grab some tea and a english muffin and have a bit of a look.
Want to give some love to my friend Grant for his poster  of  The Burning Hotels for their Modern Til Midnight show.

I'm glad that The Burning Hotels was there for Modern Til Midnight and I'm glad that the Fort Worth Modern Museum invited them. If they have cool bands like this, I might be a regular. I also need to get my hands on a poster to add to my wall collection. To learn more about Modern Til Midnight and when is the next one visit the Fort Worth Museum's website

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